September 2020 - Mars, Saturn & Neptune Retrograde


Mars, Saturn & Neptune Retrograde

Each In The Sign They Rule

September 2020

At the Traveler’s Well, we explore the intersection of astrology, our daily lives and the spiritual path.

Today, we are writing about Mars, Saturn and Neptune, who are all retrograde in the signs they rule.

We start with Mars retrograde, he provides a window of opportunity to re-assess the role of action and how that action effects our satisfaction in our daily lives and progress on the spiritual journey.


Mars Retrograde in Aries

The Actions You Take

Until November 15, 2020

Mars is by nature action oriented and extroverted. Since Mars is the ruler of Aries, he feels more comfortable, more natural in his own land of action.

The cycle of Mars is of long periods of extroversion (moving direct), followed by a short period of introversion (moving retrograde). Once every two years, as he does now, Mars turns retrograde and directs his energy inward and he becomes relatively introverted.

Mars retrograde is a time of taking stock. It is the one time that Mars is most likely to reflect and ask questions. When I act, do I like the outcomes? When I act, do I feel rewarded and confident or not?

There is no “one size fits all” answer to these questions. There is no one right answer for all of us because Mars retrograde contains an individual message. The key to Mars retrograde is to slow down, turn within, take stock so you can recognize his message and what it means for you as an individual.

Mars Retrograde 2020

The times we are living in are extraordinary. We are bombarded with news and information from the time we rise in the morning until our head rests on our pillow at night. Aspects of daily life we always took for granted suddenly seem tenuous. 

Mars is an action character and, when Mars receives a piece of information, he instinctually wants to leap into action. For some of life’s challenges, action can be the right response. However, for other situations, it can feel like there is nothing you can do, no action you can take that will resolve the challenge of the moment. 

As the energy of Mars turns inward during this retrograde period, it can feel like we are particularly ineffective. It can feel frustrating. It can feel overwhelming. Given circumstances in the external world that are limiting what we can and cannot do at this time, this Mars retrograde period may feel more frustrating than normal. In one minute, we may want to turn it all off. In the next minute, we may feel the urgency to shout from the rooftops.

Mars Retrograde is an excellent time to observe your actions in the external world. We are all citizens of two worlds: the external world of life and society and the internal world of our spiritual inner self. These two worlds are interconnected. When we take effective action in the external world, our spiritual life is enhanced. Energy flows effectively and relatively harmoniously.

If you come to your time for spiritual practice and find yourself calm, then your actions in the external world are supportive of your inner state of being.

Alternatively, if you come to your time for spiritual practice and find yourself agitated or distracted by the external world, Mars retrograde has a message for you and it is a good time to explore potential adjustments that can bring greater harmony.

These adjustments are individual and only you can determine the type of adjustments that suit your nature and experiences at this time. There is a paradigm that might be helpful to consider: 

  • Some things are your business,

  • some things are other people’s business, and

  • some things are God’s business. 

Mars retrograde is a time to focus on your business, the things your actions can actually effect.


Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn

Your Blueprint

Until September 30, 2020

Similar to Mars in Aries, since Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn, he feels comfortable when transiting the sign he rules. Saturn is the planet of wisdom gained over time that forms your blueprint for responding to life and engaging in the external world. 

Saturn’s blueprint takes into account the structures of your external life, career, relationships, home, finances, etc. and, while transiting Capricorn, he is testing these aspects of your life. It just so happens, that the current external circumstances in the world around us are also testing these aspects of life as many of us are reconsidering where to live, how to earn a living and the blueprint for the future.

Until September 30, 2020, Saturn is also retrograde and providing an opportunity to take stock and see your world as it is. You may find yourself asking if the structure of your world supports the vision you have for your future.

If your life, career, home, relationships, finances seem stable and comfortable, Saturn wants you to feel secure and be free from fear. You may find that while external circumstances feel uncertain and cause you to question your plans, your blueprint remains solid.

Alternatively, if you feel insecure or experience fear, consider how you might adjust your blueprint and how you engage in the external world. If circumstances have revealed that some aspect of your blueprint is not working, this is a good time to consider your alternatives and make a one step at a time plan to execute those changes over time. This is not a time to rush into change, but to patiently consider next steps.

Importantly, your blueprint is yours and only you can determine the type of adjustments that are appropriate for your goals and aspirations.


Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

Your Spiritual Life

Until November 30, 2020

Just like Mars and Saturn, Neptune is retrograde in the sign he rules and where he feels most comfortable: in his own land of spirituality and the world within.

When Neptune is retrograde in Pisces, as he is until November 30, he is inviting you to pay attention to your spiritual path, the world within. 

We honor Saturn and Capricorn when we are willing to accept the reality of life. 

We honor Neptune and Pisces when our inner spiritual life is rich and inspired without needing the world around us to be perfect. 

When Saturn and Neptune are out of balance, we are tempted to deny reality and see the external world as we wish it would be, which causes confusion and frustration in life and in our spiritual practice.

Neptune in Pisces is related to perfection, to utopia. During uncertain times, the external world is less perfect than ever, especially when circumstances seem contrary to your personal spiritual truth. The resulting disillusionment can lead to seeking a reason that is not there or a solution that does not exist. We have a hard time making sense of things and our world within becomes unclear.

Balancing Neptune with Saturn means being able to stay focused on our spiritual path while accepting that the world around us is imperfect. When we engage with the world as it is and when we strive to see the light in every person, we do our part to raise the consciousness of the planet. Individually, we can find inner peace even in a world that remains chaotic.


Mars in Aries, Saturn in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces are all transiting their own signs from now until mid-December 2020. As a result, this is a time when these planets can work more confidently and comfortably together. Since they are also all moving retrograde right now, this is a time when they can find new ways to work together and be more effective. Yes, even during these uncertain times. 

The worldly Saturn and spiritual Neptune are looking for a balance that allows you to live effectively in the external world, while maintaining your spiritual path and the world within.

May You Move In Harmony With The Sun, Moon & Stars!